Tuesday, June 20, 2023

CoolPeel......Reveal Healthier, Younger-looking Skin

CoolPeel is a new way to safely AND comfortably offer the benefits of a traditional CO2 resurfacing laser without all the pain and downtime. CoolPeel targets just the superficial layer of skin. The damaged skin will then slough off revealing younger, healthier-looking skin. 

CO2 lasers really are the gold standard for treating wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and acne scars, while tightening and balancing the skin tone. Damaged skin sloughs off; new collagen is stimulated as heat tightens the skin. A full-on CO2 laser treatment has considerable post procedure discomfort and downtime, often for weeks.

However, the CoolPeel uses a Tetra CO2 laser that has a very precise, controlled energy delivery at the perfect speed for superficial skin resurfacing. A CoolPeel laser peel takes 15-20 minutes. We can even treat hands and decollete in 5-10 minutes. 

You do not have to have sedation or localized numbing, but we can use numbing cream if you have a lower pain threshhold; and we always use cool air to increase the comfort. You can expect to be a little red afterward, as if you have a sunburn, for a day or two, but you can still return to your normal activities. Yor skin will probably feel dry and scaly while you heal so it's important to keep it hydrated. We have the perfect Epionce cream that soothes, hydrates and will not clog pores. 

So you are a great candidate for CoolPeel laser treatment if you are looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines and sun damage, minimize pores and improve skin texture. You can have this done during the summer months, but we will ask you to wear sunscreen and a hat. If you have a beach trip or big trip to the lake planned, you should wait to get your CoolPeel treatment until you are back home. 

Give us a call to schedule!


#CoolPeel #Cartessa, Tetralaser #Tetra #antiaging #acnescars #skin #skinresurfacing #hyperpigmentation #sundamage #laser #CO2laser #wrinkles #skintightening #Epionce #collagen #drannetrussell #seibellamedspa #face #hands #decollete #laserenergy #hydration #pores

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