Sei Bella Med Spa
Wellness Party
Saturday, April 14th
Hi Everyone!The April newsletter is forthcoming, but I'm not sure I'll get to it today. So I wanted to tell you about the Wellness Party we are having at Sei Bella on Saturday April 14th. In order for our outside to look beautiful, we have to be healthy on the inside. Come join Gena Fryar (an RN and executive VP at Arbonne), Rhonda Mayo, Teresa Smith, LMT, MS (our massage therapist) and me to learn about stress reduction, vitamins, colon cleanse, immunity support, cardiac wellness
and more.
I have teamed with the Berkeley Heart Lab to offer genetic testing and expanded lipid profiles to help people structure their diets, alcohol intake
, and exercise
to prevent heart disease and stroke. We are NOT selling a diet program. NO fad diets. A registered dietitian of Berkeley works with you for free after we get your results to help you modify the diet
you already eat. Plus there are scheduled followups with me. Did you know that some medicines like statins and Plavix are not even beneficial in some people? Based on your genetics you need different percentages of carbs, fats, protein, and calories. My medical practice is headed in the direction of
wellness only
as a compliment to the med spa.
We will have snacks and samples of things for you to try. Plus, you each get a goodie bag. I have some textbooks to give away for you to choose from and I have some heart rate monitors to give away as well. Gena and Rhonda are going to tell you all about the Fit Essentials by Arbonne and how Gena lost all her weight. As many of you know, I lost 64 lbs in 2010.
There are a limited number of seats for three time periods that day......10am-noon, 12:15 to 2:15 pm and 2:30 to 4:30. I did some advanced scheduling, so it is now first come, first serve for the remaining slots. Email me or callSei Bella (501) 228-6237 to reserve your spot and time.
We'll have a lot of fun and I look forward to seeing you there!Anne R Trussell MDowner/physicianSei Bella Med (website)(P.S. Out of consideration for others and that this is a venue for wellness, please do not take this opportunity to have an "office visit", prescription refills, etc. Thank you in advance)
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