According to the 2013-2018 Edition of "Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine" published by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, there are 10 nutrients and drugs that can extend your life when combined with a healthy diet and exercise. We all have genetic and environmental factors that determine longevity, and there are things we can do to enhance or overcome those factors. As with any medication, vitamin or supplement, you should consult your own physician to see if the following are right for you!
1) M
etformin- a medication derived from the French lilac. Most commonly prescribed for diabetes, metformin also reduces cancer incidence, lowers insulin levels, and treats PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). There are studies showing decreased incidence of cardiovascular deaths, probably due to decreased LDL and triglycerides (bad lipids). Metformin increases the body's repair mechanisms as well.
2) S
tatins- this class of medications which includes Crestor, Lipitor, Zocor and Pravachol, inhibit cholesterol synthesis and are potent anti-inflammatories. This is the most commonly prescribed drug class for people with elevated lipid profiles. In Alzheimer's patients, increased cholesterol is associated with increased amyloid plaques in the brain, characteristic of Alzheimer's Disease. Statins also promote DNA repair, can help prevent first heart attacks, decrease the risk of blood clots and decrease the risk of breast and prostate cancer. As these medications can cause muscle aches and fatigue, CoQ-10 is often prescribed along with them.
CoQ-10- a fat soluble vitamin found in high levels in the kidneys, heart, pancreas and liver. It is a potent antioxidant, and has been shown beneficial in treating congestive heart failure, diabetes, periodontal disease, high blood pressure, and increasing cancer survival. In Alzheimer's patients it increases their cognitive function, while in Parkinson's patients it slows their decline and lessens their disability. CoQ-10 can have drug interactions with chemotherapy agents, blood pressure medications and blood thinners. So even though CoQ-10 may be purchased at your local pharmacy, please do not start it without first checking with your doctor.

4) EPA/DHA- these are omega-3 fatty acids and are found in cold water fish (herring, haddock, salmon, mackerel, tuna, trout, and cod), seafood, flaxseed, and human breast milk. They are potent anti-inflammatories. They increase insulin sensitivity and decrease blood pressure, pancreas inflammation and triglycerides. DHA is one of the building blocks of the brain and retina. Dosage is usually about 3g/day.
5) Astralgus- this is an adaptogenic herb which assists in adrenal function and digestion. It is an immune system stimulator and has been found useful in chronic upper respiratory infections, HIV and cancer treatments. It enhances digestion and helps in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease.
6) Vitamin C- extremely low Vitamin C levels are associated with scurvy which causes inadequate collagen synthesis. This is rarely seen in the modernized world because this vitamin is so common in the fruits we eat. Vitamin C is a water soluble antioxidant which helps with wound healing as well, but is probably best known for building up the immune system and preventing infection. It is also very beneficial in reducing wrinkles and dryness when applied topically. Vitamin C will help enhance iron absorption, decrease the risk of cataracts, and lower blood pressure.

7) Vitamin D3- very low vitamin D is associated with rickets which causes weak and fragile bones, so Vitamin D is very important for decreasing fracture risks. Vitamin D has been used to stimulate the immune system during the treatment of tuberculosis, viral upper respiratory infections, and multiple sclerosis. Low Vitamin D levels have been associated with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease. Vitamin D has also been shown to inhibit the proliferation of some cancers and decrease cardiovascular disease risk. Dietary sources of Vitamin D include tuna, salmon, sardines, mackarel, catfish, eel, and cod liver oil. Vitamin D requires calcium for normal bone metabolism.
8) Reservatrol- found naturally in red grapes, red wine, peanuts, mulberry, blueberries, and cranberries. Reservatrol has been shown to decrease blood pressure and cardiovascular disease risk. It decreases glucose, increases insulin sensitivity and helps with diabetic neuropathy. And reservatrol is another agent shown to decrease amyloid plaque in Alzheimer patients.
9) DHEA- is is an endogenous steroid (meaning our own bodies produce it) secreted by the adrenal glands as well as the gonads and brain. It is a precursor to testosterone and estrogen. DHEA increases sexual interest, sexual thoughts and mood while decreasing fatigue and joint pain. So it is often used in menopause and andropause. However, let me caution you!! Men who take DHEA need to have regular prostate exams and PSA screening. Women require a lower dose than men. I personally noticed a lot of anxiety and agitation when I took a low dose at 5 mg. DHEA is extremely beneficial when prescribed and taken correctly, but please consult a health care professional who is VERY knowledgeable about DHEA and hormone replacement before you buy it and start taking it!
10) Carnosine- is found primarily in the brain and muscle. It is a very potent antioxidant and red meat is the chief dietary source. It decreases LDL (bad cholesterol), reduces cataract formation, improves the appearance of the skin, increases muscle strength and endurance, and helps heal peptic ulcer disease when combined with zinc.
I hope you found this blog helpful. At Sei Bella our motto is Health|Wellness|Beauty.
There is no substitute for a healthy diet and regular exercise, however the above medications and supplements may enhance your quality of life and longevity. Again, please consult your own physician before starting any vitamin, nutrient or other supplement.
Anne R Trussell MD