First, let me say thank you to those who called the office, the house, texted and sent me messages on FB. I was not at the Boston Marathon. We did consider running it, but I just hadn't trained enough. The terrorism there breaks my heart, but I won't change any of my running plans in the future. I won't live like that in my own country and will never let the devil keep me away from where I want or need to be.
On a brighter note, I think Spring has officially arrived! Warmer temperatures are nice. The pollen......well not so nice......If you have the puffy eyes, take your antihistamines, get plenty of sleep, and try our Obagi Elastiderm Eye Complete Complex Serum. The roller ball feels so cool and refreshing. Consistent use greatly diminishes the puffy eyes and fine lines.

The VIPeels have been working great, but we have added some new peels for you from Jan Marini. These are introductory prices so try them out before I have to place another order.
The Refine Peel is designed for individuals of all skin types seeking skin rejuvenation from a minimum number of peels. The peel uses a combination of lactic, salicylic, and citric acids. It may be performed as an individual treatment, or as a series of three, approximately 3-4 weeks apart for more dramatic results. You will typically experience mild flaking and peeling for 3-5 days after the Refine Peel..........$250
The Clarify Peel is ideal for anyone seeking a serious solution for acne and oily skin. Lipid soluble salicylic acid and mandelic acid dissolve in oil to penetrate into and clear follicles for maximum results. This peel is also a great solution for resurfacing and rejuvenation on ethnic skin. You will typically experience mild flaking to peeling skin for 2-5 days........$250
The Transform Peel utilizes a high concentration of multiple acids to lift pigment and aggressively resurface the skin for overall skin rejuvenation. The most aggressive of the three, it contains lactic acid, salicylic acid and resorcinol. You will typically experience peeling and sloughing skin for 3-5 days after a Transform Peel.........$275
Don't forget the Botox special still running thru Mother's Day, May 12th. Botox is normally $14/unit. You can purchase up to 50 units for $12/unit when you make a $50 contribution to the Children's Tumor Foundation. You can purchase up to 50 units of Botox at $10/unit for a $100 donation to the Children's Tumor Foundation. It's a great deal for everyone involved. The charity near and dear to my heart benefits, plus you get Botox inexpensively and the donation is a tax write off. As most of you know I run on the NF Endurance Team which raises awareness and funds for neurofibromatosis research by the Children's Tumor Foundation. For more info go to This would be a wonderful gift for mom, daughter, sister or yourself, and we have gift certificates available.
As we launch into the Spring and Summer season, you will be out in the sun more, so please remember your sunscreen. It was a nice day for a 5K this weekend and I didn't think about needing sunscreen for a 5K, but I definitely got a little pink on my shoulders. Also remember to drink at least 64 oz of water per day to help your skin look its best......
Have a great Spring and I'll probably do another newsletter in June.......In the meantime, let us know what we can do for you!
Anne R Trussell MD
Sei Bella Med Spa
The Clarify Peel is ideal for anyone seeking a serious solution for acne and oily skin. Lipid soluble salicylic acid and mandelic acid dissolve in oil to penetrate into and clear follicles for maximum results. This peel is also a great solution for resurfacing and rejuvenation on ethnic skin. You will typically experience mild flaking to peeling skin for 2-5 days........$250
The Transform Peel utilizes a high concentration of multiple acids to lift pigment and aggressively resurface the skin for overall skin rejuvenation. The most aggressive of the three, it contains lactic acid, salicylic acid and resorcinol. You will typically experience peeling and sloughing skin for 3-5 days after a Transform Peel.........$275
Don't forget the Botox special still running thru Mother's Day, May 12th. Botox is normally $14/unit. You can purchase up to 50 units for $12/unit when you make a $50 contribution to the Children's Tumor Foundation. You can purchase up to 50 units of Botox at $10/unit for a $100 donation to the Children's Tumor Foundation. It's a great deal for everyone involved. The charity near and dear to my heart benefits, plus you get Botox inexpensively and the donation is a tax write off. As most of you know I run on the NF Endurance Team which raises awareness and funds for neurofibromatosis research by the Children's Tumor Foundation. For more info go to This would be a wonderful gift for mom, daughter, sister or yourself, and we have gift certificates available.
As we launch into the Spring and Summer season, you will be out in the sun more, so please remember your sunscreen. It was a nice day for a 5K this weekend and I didn't think about needing sunscreen for a 5K, but I definitely got a little pink on my shoulders. Also remember to drink at least 64 oz of water per day to help your skin look its best......
Have a great Spring and I'll probably do another newsletter in June.......In the meantime, let us know what we can do for you!
Anne R Trussell MD
Sei Bella Med Spa